The new Art Brut album is called Brilliant! Tragic! and is out everywhere on May 23rd. The Album art work has been done by Jamie Mckelvie. It looks AMAZING.
The songs on the album are in order.
Clever Clever Jazz
Lost Weekend
Bad Comedian
Sexy Sometimes
Is Dog Eared
Martin Kemp Welch 5 A-Side Football Rules
Axl Rose
I Am Psychic
Ice Hockey
And we already have a song you can get your hands on called Unprofessional Wrestling.
Art Brut are working with Pledge on this album. You can bid on things over HERE
One of the things you can bid on is a Sealandscape painted by me signed by all the band. They will all be different. Here is the first one.
We have a new website on the way, if you are the sort of person that likes reading press releases though our press release is being used as a holding page HERE
We also have a little tour coming up HERE
I am so excited I'm THIS close to eating my own hands. O_o
The new song is great! I can´t hardly wait for the new album. Is there any chance you come play in Brazil again?
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