When we played our five nights sold out run at Schuba's we got to play with one of our favourite bands. Team Band.
Team Band are a band that formed after seeing us play in Chicago. I was demanding that people form a band and so they did. I think they are brilliant.
Live they sometimes play a song called Disco from my first band that I started when I was at school. The Art Goblins. In Chicago we did it as a duet
I think watching and playing with Team Band was my favourite bit of the whole American tour. I am very glad they took my advice and started a band. Although Im sure they would have done it anyway without my encouragement.
I am very much looking forward to playing with them again in Chicago on August 14th
Jesus, Eddie, you're gonna make me cry.
I saw Team Band in Chicago once. Within ten minutes of them hitting the stage, half of my album collection became irrelevant and cool had been reborn.
There really needs to be an Art Brut/Team Band show in NYC. Seriously.
It made me so sad you didn't play in Boston on the recent tour, but 5 nights in NYC. What up with that? Is our money not green? Please come for a visit, we loves you.
I was unable to attend the recent Art Brut/Team Band show in Chicago. Since I couldn't make it I bought Vodka Thieves instead and have listened to it nearly nonstop since. I'd love to see Team Band on an American tour with Art Brut. Or, even just St. Louis. =)
I think that it is amazing that you have so much fans. If I have the opportunity I would like to assist to your presentation
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